Out goal and mission are one and the same, to create an organization that leverages technology for creatives and build a better world for designers and our members. Our “make-it-better” philosophy is at the heart of who we are and what do. We are always on the lookout for new technology to share and people to join in the awesomeness. More jobs will become a part of the future as we grow and will be sharing projects with a freelance job board, a bidding system for our members to get projects assigned to them and community built around the end user vs a middleman organization.
Quality is at the forefront of our philosophy and methodology. We believe in excellence and are devoted to holding this value to the core of who we are. Thats why we are all about expertise and vision. Do you have something amazing to share? Hit us up. We are building new relationships every day and review all submissions carefully.
Ideas are great, and we know its how we make the world better, but we also need analysis and study of the User Experience. What works in the real world is what makes sense for us. How well does this project serve our members? is a question we ask ourselves daily. Help us build a better community by sharing with your design colleagues and giving us feedback so we can make the system better for you, our end user.