| Isaac Horton | | Leave a Comment

A Futurist Guide to WordPress and CMS Evolution

At the point of writing this article, WordPress holds nearly 40% of the market share of businesses using a CMS to control their company website. None of the other competitors even come close but wordpress is like Burning Man, it was cool when it was still pure in intention, but later it became filled with […]
| Isaac Horton | | Leave a Comment

Git & Github – Why Every Designer Should be Using It

You’ve probably heard of Github before or Git. Git is a version control system for any type of digital file and it works great with many types of digital designs like websites. Many designers assume that there is nothing relevant for them because it’s something specific to software development and coding but I think there […]

How to use MINIML

MINIML is a Base Template Static Website Builder for GitHub Pages using UIKit and Jekyll. It is designed to work on GitHub Pages like other Jekyll sites. It’s an extensible theme Gem that can be customized easily and styled using the UIKit Framework by adding some easy to use markup. Now you can host a […]

Particles Interactive Cellular Background

This is an easy and awesome to use pattern. It is the first code pattern to be introduced to sdg and its really frikkin cool. It’s so cool we’re using it on our homepage and still pulling an “A” speed rating… WTF? Let’s get into into it. It’s a combination of js/css with some very […]
| Isaac Horton | | Leave a Comment

A Futurist Guide to WordPress and CMS Evolution

At the point of writing this article, WordPress holds nearly 40% of the market share of businesses using a CMS to control their company website. None of the other competitors even come close but wordpress is like Burning Man, it was cool when it was still pure in intention, but later it became filled with […]
| Isaac Horton | | Leave a Comment

Git & Github – Why Every Designer Should be Using It

You’ve probably heard of Github before or Git. Git is a version control system for any type of digital file and it works great with many types of digital designs like websites. Many designers assume that there is nothing relevant for them because it’s something specific to software development and coding but I think there […]

How to use MINIML

MINIML is a Base Template Static Website Builder for GitHub Pages using UIKit and Jekyll. It is designed to work on GitHub Pages like other Jekyll sites. It’s an extensible theme Gem that can be customized easily and styled using the UIKit Framework by adding some easy to use markup. Now you can host a […]

Particles Interactive Cellular Background

This is an easy and awesome to use pattern. It is the first code pattern to be introduced to sdg and its really frikkin cool. It’s so cool we’re using it on our homepage and still pulling an “A” speed rating… WTF? Let’s get into into it. It’s a combination of js/css with some very […]

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